Thursday, June 20, 2019

What is CVV in Debit And Credit Cards

CVV ( Card Verification Value ) in ATM, Debit and Credit Cards

Card verification value (CVV) is a combination of many features used in Debit Cards for the purpose of establishing your identity. This helps in minimising the risk of theft and fraud.

  • Located on Back Side of Card.
  • Generally of 3 Digits.
  • Some cards may have 4 digit CVV.

In the following Video, evrything is discussed in Detail

              You can directly watch on Youtube at below link

There are two components to the CVV. The first code is recorded by the card issuer in a magnetic stripe. The long black stripe at the back of your Debit Card contains a large amount of data. The code is recovered by sliding the card through a magnetic stripe reader that reads your data to establish your unique identity.

When properly used, the CVV is highly effective against some forms of fraud. For example, if the data in the magnetic stripe is changed, a stripe reader will indicate a "damaged card" error. The flat-printed CVV is (or should be) routinely required for telephone or Internet-based purchases because it implies that the person placing the order has physical possession of the card. Some merchants check the flat-printed CVV even when transactions are conducted in person.

Why not to Share “CVV”  and other Card details

CVV is used when you make any on line payment.
While making online payment you need to enter 16 Digit card number, Card Validity Date and CVV.

Never Share your card details to anyone.
Your card details can be used to make online payment/purchases without your knowledge

How to prevent misuse of your Debit/ATM card and Credit Card

Debit and Credit Card Safety and Security Tips

In these days everybody uses Debit Card and Credit card.
But the are some precautions you must take while using it.

Creadit Card Uses

For Online Payments
To Withdraw Money from ATM
Swipe your card at Shops, Stores or Restaurants

You can watch following video, everything is discused in detail with Examples

You can watch the video directly on YouTube at below link

Safety Tips for Online Payments

  • Use your card for payments only with trusted and reputed merchant website.
  • Use Secure Connection
  • Website must start with HTTPS.
  • While making the payments see a Lock  Icon in Address bar.
  • Try not save your Card Details Online.

Beware of Fake Websites
Check the Spellings of Websites.

Some fraudsters design FAKE and similar looking websites.

Check spelling of website carefully.

Don’t use public WiFi or open network to make online payments.
Do not use public computers or Cyber Cafe.
Use Only your personal PC or Mobile Phone.
Always  Logout.
Use a good Anti Virus and Anti Malware.

Don’t be Greedy: Nothing is free

You can get message of some Offers, Lottery Win, Some Free prize and other lucrative things.
Never click on such Links.
Such links will ask you to add your Card Detail.

Never Share your Card Details to any one.
Never Share your OTP : Your bank sends an OTP to confirm the payment.

Safety Tips for Card Swipe at Shops

  • When you use your card for making payments at stores, Restaurants.
  • Swipe your Card in front of You.
  • While entering PIN shield the keypad by your hands, so that no one can see it.
  • There are some cases when greedy cashier used CCTV Cameras to record your Card number and PIN

Beware from Fake Callers

Fake people call you saying that I am calling from your Bank.
Fake people call you and say you have got some free offer, some prize, win a lottery or a job.
And they Ask your CARD Number and other details for Money.
Do Not respond such Calls
Never Share your OTP

You can watch following video, everything is discused in detail with Examples

You can watch the video directly on YouTube at below link

Safety and Security Tips While Using ATM


Do and Dont’s At ATM

Now a Days, Almost everyone uses Debit cum ATM card to withdraw money from ATM.

ATMs are a great convenience, but they can compromise your safety.

But at the same time there are some worries with ATM card. Fraudsetrs uses new techniques to steal Your ATM details like Card Number, CVV etc.

You can watch following video, everything is explained in detail.

You can also watch on Youtube at following Link

Here the Tips to follow when you are at ATM

1: When you enter in ATM

  • Check the ATM Machine and Surroundings.
  • Use ATM at crowded Place.
  • Look for any Strange person near by.
  • If Using ATM at night, Use an ATM with good Light.

2: Check the Swipe Slot/area of ATM.

  • Check for any device or doubt full thing in SWIPE Slot. For Eg. Skimmer Machine or Card Cloning Devices
  • If you find anything suspicious don’t USE the ATM Machine.

3: Check the ATM Keypad

Fraudsters can use extras layer to catch your finger prints.

4: Check the Cash Dispensing Area of ATM Machine

  • If you find anything unusual  or extra lid there.
  • Extra lids are being used to prevent CASH from coming out.

5: Entering the ATM PIN

Shield the keypad with your hand so that nearby people can't see it. It will also protect your PIN from cameras installed by fraudsters.

6: When Transaction Completed

  • Once You get Your Cash and Slip, press the CANCEL button and wipe the keypad again.
  • Torn/shred  the transaction slip properly, because it contains important information like  last 4 card digit/account number, balance etc.

Tips to Set ATM PIN

  1. Don’t Set your Birth Year as PIN.
  2. Don’t Set PIN like 1234, 1111, 5678, 4321 etc.
  3. Change your PIN regularly.
  4. Don’t write PIN on ATM card.
  5. Never Share Card No, CVV and PIN to anyone.
  6. Report a lost card immediately to your Bank and block it. 

You can watch following video, everything is explained in detail.

You can also watch on Youtube at following Link

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Why Not to Buy Samsung LED TV

Why Not to Buy  Samsung LED TV

In this post I will discuss why not to Buy High Cost TVs of Top Brands.

First of All I will narrate my Story.

I have 2 Samsung LED Tvs, 

1: Samsung 40 Inches Full HD LED TV    Cost 55000 (4 Year Old)
2: Samsung 49 Inches Curved Full HD LED TV  Cost 90000.(1 Year 1 Month Old)

Also In my home all electronic product are of Samsung.

Just few days ago due a little power fluctuation, my both SAMSUNG TV's Power Supply and Screen Panel GONE.

The cost to repair 40 Inch TV is 30000+The cost to repair 49 Inch TV is not estimated by technician yet. it is expected to be 50000+.

The power fuluctuation was so little that it did not harmed any other product of my Home like Tubes etc.

Is this the quality of Samsung ? For this quality we are paying so much Cost ?

So Now I have decided not to buy any Samsung Product in future and also recommend not to buy any Samsung Product(High Cost Products)

So Which TV to Buy

Comparison of High Cost TV Brands and Low Cost TV Brands.

This comparison will help you to decide which  TV to Purchase

1: Cost : A Samsung 43 Inch Full HD LED TV Costs around 45000(MRP 49000  while a Intex or other lower brand 43 Inch Full HD TV costs around 23000.
Other brands TVS are avialable at half price.

Now you will say about quality. Yes I agree that there is difference in Quality, but when it comes to Full HD TV, there is not much disnguishable difference in Picture Quality.

Durability : Nothing can be said becasue my both Samsung TVs (49 Inch LED TC was just 1 year old) power supply and Pannel GONE in just small fluctuation.

2: Repair Cost : If something bad happens with your TV, the repair cost is very, very high. It is so high that you can buy a new TV.
In my case the repair cost for 40 Inch tv is  30000, and cost for 49 inch TV was 60000,  while I can but i new Intex TV 40 Inch in 23000.

Advise: Go for Low Cost TVs. Becasue they cost about half and their repair cost is also low.
As I said that I can buy a new TV in less amount than to repair my Samsung TV.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Understanding Android Manifest File


                                               Android Manifest file

Every Android application must have a manifest file. Manifest file contains very essential information about the application. Having a proper understanding of manifest is necessary for Android application development.

A manifest file contains following information of Android application

  • Package name: The package name serves as a unique identifier for the application.
  • Activities : All activities are declared in manifest file.
  • Services : All the services used in you application must be declared in activities.
  • BroadcastReceivers : If your application has broadcast receiver, it must be declared in the manifest file.
  • Permissions : Lists the permissions required for your application.
  • API Level : It declares the minimum, maximum and target API level of the Android API that the application requires.
  • Application version : specifies the application version.
  • Features used in application : it specifies which android feature the application require to run properly.
  • Supported screen size : Android devices comes in many shapes and size. You need to specify which screen types your application supports.

Let us have a sample manifest file and discuss each element in detail.

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    android:versionName="1.1" >

        android:targetSdkVersion="15" />
    <!--  list of permissions  -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS" />
    <!--  Screen types supported  -->
    <!--  Features needed -->
    <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" />
    <uses-feature android:name="" />

        android:theme="@style/AppTheme" >
            android:label="@string/title_activity_main" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
         <receiver android:name=".SmsReceiver">
                <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />
        <service  android:name="VibrateService"/>


Let us discuss each attribute
1:   package=""
package name of the application is "".
2: android:versionName="1.1"
version of application is 1.1
3: <uses-sdk
        android:targetSdkVersion="15" />

minSdkVersion attribute: specifies the lowest API level that the application supports, here it is 8.
maxSdkVersion attribute: specifies the maximum/highst API level that the application supports, here it is 16.
targetSdkVersion attribute: specifies the optimun API level that the application supports, here it is 15.

4: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS" />

The application has requested four permissons
Permission to read contacts.
Permission to access internet.
Permission to vibrate the device.
Permission to receive the SMS.

Note: If you not declare the required permission in the manifest and use the feature in your application you will get “SecurityException”. List of all imporatnt permissions is given in the appendix.

5:    <supports-screens

application supports devices with small and normal screens but not support devices with large screens.

6: <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" />
   <uses-feature android:name="" />

Application uses camera and Bluetooth hardware of the device.

7: the     <application> tag

In the application tag all activities, services and broadcast receivers are declared.


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How to Set an Image as Wallpaper.